Curated by long time faves Nousvous, I was approached to be one of a handful of resident artists on E.L.M.O, the East London Mobile Workshop. In conjunction with Studio Weave (the genius behind 'Ecology of Colour') and alongside Fiona Boundy of Artlands Trust, a vintage bus was transformed into the most perfect mobile studio. Neatly positioned outside Walthamstows William Morris Gallery, Morris's own ethos that Art should be for All, fuelled our daily workshops.
"I don't want art for a few, any more than education for a few or freedom for a few.. what business have we with art unless we can all share it?".
Assisted by the technical & creative talent of Thomas Murphy, a whole load of printing went on involving local residents, passers by & day-trippers. Each day saw us up our creative antics, experimenting with colour blends, multi-layering and metallic inks using pre-exposed screens of disparate text and imagery. You can see a selection of the resulting collaborative prints above and below.